
Professional PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds

Unlock your presentation potential: Explore our collection of professionally crafted free and premium PowerPoint templates and backgrounds for instant download

Free Aesthetic Presentation Template


Powerpoint Templates that Will Definitely Wow Your Audience!

PowerPoint templates can make your presentation a way better. Discover how exactly. Get all the necessary information on the PowerPoint templates that you may want to know.

PowerPoint Templates of the Highest Quality That Will Definitely Wow Your Audience!

Are you looking for stunning powerpoint templates that will make your powerpoint presentation stand out? Do you want to get the most out of your ppt presentation? Do you want to make the best possible impression on your audience? Excellent! You've come to the right spot!

In fact, nowadays power point presentations are widely used by students, marketers, analysts, project managers, etc. They can serve you as a very effective tool of drawing and keeping the attention of your audience while conveying your ideas. Indeed, most people perceive information much better if it is accompanied with good visual images. That's where you need to be very careful. It means that if you want to turn images into your powerful weapon during your speech, you should choose only those that are of the highest quality and relevant to your topic.

On the other hand, excellent powerpoint templates can really save you lots of effort and time delivering the desired effect. Keep reading to find out more about the best powerpoint templates and how you can use them to your own benefit.

1. Templates as a great tool for making your presentation better.

There are many ways how you can make your presentation work for your benefit. Visual images are one of the key factors that define how your ppt presentation will be accepted by the audience. It is connected with physiological peculiarities of human perception. That's where you can find microsoft general powerpoint templates to be very useful. Nicely designed slides with gorgeous background can help you make the difference while presenting your ideas to the audience.

Usually, if you turn to nice powerpoint templates, they will help you organize all the info in a more eye-catchy, clean, and effective way. Moreover, greatly designed templates will save you hours of time. You will need only to modify charts, texts, colors, fonts, and shapes, adjusting them to your current powerpoint needs.

Indeed, presentation is an art. But it is a kind of art, which is available to everyone who is able to study and practice. What can be called a good presentation? A great presentation always achieves the goals, which you've set. These goals can urge the participants to buy the product or persuade them to estimate you as an expert and appeal to you later, or to make them interested and excited so that they tell as many people as possible about the presentation. Sometimes it is complicated to find out whether a presentation was efficient or not. However, it is possible in most cases.

So, what can help you make the presentation impressive and at the same time effective? One of the tools is a Power Point presentation template. Of course, no template can substitute the high level of oratory, really worthy product, subject or idea presented, and well-chosen audience. However, if everything else is ok, PPT presentation template can be the missing puzzle piece to make it perfect.

What are templates for PowerPoint?

If you want to make your PPT presentation unique and attractive, you will need to think about design. Taking into account that it is a visual tool, you have to use its opportunities to the maximum, because most people are visuals and better perceive information that is displayed clearly, expressively and in the way corresponding to the presentation content. Note that sometimes, on the contrary, design may have the opposite style to get a better effect. However, it takes a real mastery to implement this technique correctly.

PowerPoint design templates are so various that everyone can find one for different purposes: there are restrained and neat business powerpoint templates, oddball ones for show-business and entertainment niche, simple and bright for school presentations, mild and tender, powerful and serious… The only requirement for all is to have single design elements for all pages, and to have pages with different formats for various kinds of information: text, lists, photos, icons, graphs, videos, and their combinations.

Cool PowerPoint templates: how to make them work for you?

Even the best design can be spoilt by wrong use. What do you need the PowerPoint slide templates for? If you are going to copy the text of your speech there, or to put difficult diagrams and tables, or to use standard clipart, then do not waste your time: it will only distract the audience from the gist and even irritate.

What will turn the PPT file into your helpful assistant?
  • Put there the contents of your presentation so that people could see at once what they will listen to, understand the structure and timing.
  • For each section, you can create a list of main points to make it easier for the listeners to catch the crucial ideas and order, keeping in mind what was said in the beginning, while they are already listening to the final phrases.
  • You can show schemes to demonstrate connections, patterns, relations between things you are talking about.
  • Include short videos to influence emotionally and give the audience a minute rest from listening. It can be informative video or a funny one to demonstrate some process or phenomena in another way. Don't forget about gif images. There are some witty and creative among them.
  • Use photos and images, with the same purpose as videos. If you show real photos of the manufacturing process, or steps of designing the product, or working places of the creative team, or first samples and final product etc., you will make your presentation vivid, engaging and unforgettable. By the way, well selected funny images can add more emotions and life to your speech.
  • Let the design of the template strengthen your speech and emphasize what you want, not impede the presentation and disturb you.

Tips on how to make the presentation better

Even the Microsoft office PowerPoint templates can be the base of the splendid presentation. It depends on the speaker. However, if high quality PowerPoint poster templates are used or any original and stylish templates, it can be much more efficient. Here are some evident but sometimes forgotten tips to help you reach your aims.

Bear in mind your idea, sense, gist – the things for the sake of which you are doing what you are doing. The audience will feel your passion and trust you. Choose a reasonable structure. It should be persuasive, clear, transparent, easy scaled.

Forget of verbosity. Select several the strongest advantages of your idea, product or proposal.

The most important parts are beginning and ending. They must strike at the very heart.

All the data has to be displayed in the most simple and evident way on your PowerPoint templates. Microsoft offers many options, but they had been already used so many times that everyone is tired of them. One slide for one thing. As was told above, don't just copy&paste the text of your speech.

Rehearse. It is necessary to make your presentation more effective. Test how the slides look like on the big screen. You may be surprised. Thus, using appropriate templates you can improve your presentation skills.

2. History of templates.

The history of PowerPoint templates is rich with various changes and new approaches to the design of the presentations. You can remember the way the fashion has changed for the last few decades. The same has happened to the presentations templates. The first examples were simple and plain while the today's ones are up-to-the-minute full of graphic and sound effects.

Is it Microsoft or Mac?

If the first thing that comes to your mind when you see or hear Microsoft PowerPoint is using only Windows OS, you're wrong. You can run the presentations on Mac OS as well. This software is cross-platform and you can use it on any device that you're used to. We will surprise you by the fact that the first presentation was launched on Macintosh computer in 1987. You could see only a black and white picture on the screen.

It was a beginning of a new era of PowerPoint templates for Macs. Windows users started using this application in 1990 which was a part of the Office Suite until 2002. It has been distributed separately from the office since 2002. No one knows exactly what the age of the oldest Office PowerPoint templates, but there's a theory that it appeared in 1991.

Did you have a PC or Macintosh in 1990? Do you remember what applications you had installed on it? Did you have PowerPoint installed? Can you imagine yourself sitting in front of that old computer and working on the presentation? Think of any case that you could use a new presentation at that time. If you were a kid, you could create a great story for your friends or you could make a super powerful presentation and win that job.

How do you imagine the first template?

How do you imagine the first PowerPoint templates? There were no clip arts, animation or music. There were no many fonts or the choice of the background color. The first good powerpoint templates will look dull and boring nowadays. However, they were a real breakthrough especially when someone used them in while conducting presentations. At first, the templates were used for presentations in front of a few people.

Templates changed greatly before 2000. There were new clip arts, colors, pictures, and animation. You could add some music to it. It was the era when almost every presenter thought he or she is the best at creating new designs in PowerPoint. A few people used PowerPoint presentations templates saying they have no time for unnecessary things. And this helped them stand out among competitors.

The next decade became a flash in the development of the variety of PowerPoint slides templates. You could add almost anything to the slide including a video or the gif animation. More and more people started using the templates to express themselves. Businesses started using the templates at presentations of reports and marketing strategies. Teachers started to use them for lessons. Every person knew about the existence of templates.

The quality and variety of PowerPoint templates for Mac has been growing since 2010. You can find the right one up to your taste or to the corporate style of your company. You can use the templates for any type of the presentation for personal or business purpose. You are limited only to the amount of time that you can spend on choosing the right template. If the person downloads PowerPoint templates, he or she will definitely get more scores that a person who doesn't use them at all.

Who has been using the templates?

The PowerPoint templates have been popular in different countries where there's connection to the internet since it first appeared online. The ability to visualize the content that you present in front of the public lets the speaker reach the goals more efficiently. We can divide the history of the templates into the next historical stages:

  • The beginning or the black and white exclusively;
  • The birth of designers of the templates;
  • The birth of clip arts, animation and other visual effects;
  • The birth of people who never use templates;
  • The birth of people who succeed thanks to templates.

We can compare the development of the templates to the baby that looks cute when it's little. It's so fun to see how it's growing and showing you new features and so on. If you're over 25, you're likely to see how the templates have become a really valuable business tool from a simple tool for adding special effects to your presentation.

Now the first templates seem to be so obsolete that no one will ever use them. But would you like to use one of the oldest templates nowadays? The answer is obvious thanks to the number of available templates on the market. Today is the peak of the development of the presentations templates, so why not start using them for your presentations?

3. Types of templates.

There are various types of powerpoint presentation templates that you may want to use for your own needs. Below, we'll describe some basic occasions when ppt templates can come in handy for you. Of course, this list is not limited to these categories. If you need something special, feel free to contact us. Our well-versed consultants will gladly help you pick the most suitable powerpoint online templates solutions that will meet your specific needs.

Business reports

Small companies and huge business corporations require planning and reporting all the actions from defining marketing strategies to production. A template is a super thing that can improve the business processes and make the preparation of the reports and plans more efficient. If there's a unique template for every department, the person responsible for making reports will only have to fill in the data. If the company is small, one or two pro templates will be enough.

Classroom activities

Teacher and professors can prepare a good lesson, but the information won't be well perceived without visuals. A well-prepared presentation can turn dull facts into a compelling story. In this case, the templates serve to save time and guarantee the high level of quality of every lesson. The teacher or the school can pick up one template for one course to make it recognizable by students. Using several templates within one presentation is not recommended as it may confuse the students.


If you send the information about goods, offers or services in a simple pdf file, you won't make a strong impression as with the help of the pro PowerPoint template. Using templates in the presentation will help you make your brand recognized in the future and raise the awareness about your products or services. The booklets made with the pro templates will guarantee a well-prepared design of the presentation that will fit the marketing strategy of your company.


Charity means spending most of the time helping other people, animals or nature. Using the templates means providing a serious approach to the presentation of the problem and saving time from developing own design for all the slides. If you have a task to prepare a presentation to collect funds and you don't use the templates, the result of it is not predictable. Despite this work doesn't bring any income, a serious approach to the preparation of the presentation will directly influence the amount of money that will be collected after it.


PowerPoint templates are a great tool for creating manuals for any kind of activity or thing. If you have a solid background, a well-prepared text and visuals, it's much easier to get the things right. Depending on the style of the company, the template for the presentation can be different for separate products. Using one template for all the manuals of one company is also possible especially if there's a need to raise the brand awareness.

Public speeches

This is the widest field of use of the templates. You can choose any style and design that can fit the overall look of the presentation. Here are some examples of public speeches where you will get the most from using a template:

  • A political speech. Using a template will save time and money from creating personal design for the presentation;
  • An entertaining speech. Using a template can add more emotional coloring to the speech;
  • A high school speech. Using a template can demonstrate your skills to organize your ideas well;
  • A presentation of a new product. A template will help you provide a solid impression on the audience.
  • A presentation of sports activities - sports powerpoint templates will help you with it.

4. Solutions offered by experts.

At our site, you'll find a rich choice of first rate professional powerpoint templates on various themes. Be it a presentation on finances, history, business analytics, sales, lifestyle, marketing or any other popular topic they will definitely help you present your information in the best light possible.

All modern powerpoint templates that you can find on our site are done from scratch by the most talented designers who have years of experience, sophisticated tastes, and a huge creative potential. They reveal your creative and innovative side emphasizing your strong points.

Sometimes it may be really challenging to come up with brand new powerpoint templates for your presentation on your own. Not everyone is good at creating excellent design. And it's quite ok. In fact, you shouldn't do it yourself if you lack time, experience or desire to create it. All you need to do is choose one of the best powerpoint presentation templates that are available at our site. There are more than 10 different categories with dozens of templates.

We are really proud to offer you premium powerpoint templates that will make your speech or presentation stay in minds of people for days. Getting the desired results from presentation can be a way easier now! We have a team of expert designers who will do their best to present your ideas in the most decent and brightest way. We have probably the most complete collection of presentation samples on the web. Check the templates, evaluate them, compare them, and get those that are the most suitable for you.

Feel free to order our exclusive ms ppt templates that will be created on your demand.

5. How to choose the most effective template for your presentation.

At this point, you are to make a well-informed decision to choose a template that will be perfect for your presentation. You should never be in a hurry, as there are too many points to consider, like:

  • Theme specification
  • Colors
  • Images
  • Fonts
  • Layout

Each of these aspects is equally important for a presentation, and they should never be selected randomly. In fact, there are two basic ideas that you are to carry when choosing a template: your audience and your venue.

Everything may look quite clear with the audience when you work on the texts of presentation, but the same is with choosing the template and design. If your presentation is done for the international audience, you are to make sure that the colors that you choose won't be offensive in some way and will carry the meaning you tried to convey.

Another point to consider is the venue. Where will this presentation be shown? If the room is large, it's better to use a bigger size of fonts and contrasting colors. Make sure that the texts on a presentation are easily read on a big screen, otherwise, it will be difficult for the audience to read the information.

Now, let's move to the templates and the points that are crucially important for a perfect presentation.

Theme specification

There are many abstract themes that can be used basically for any presentation. You just pick the one that you like and fill it with your content. The main benefit of this approach is that you do not need to think about specification and waste time on selecting images. However, if you want to make a perfect presentation, it's always better to look for a template that suits your theme.

For example, you may find custom medical powerpoint templates with academic themes that will be perfect for students, or food themes that will suit restaurant owners who want to present some information on their business.

Pay attention that the themes inherit certain color schemes and fonts, and you may use them or add your personal touch to the presentation and change them.


The main rule of a great presentation is that colors of the background and the text should be contrasting. If you choose low contrast colors, there are chances that the readers will not see the text on a big screen, especially if there is too much light in the room.

Another rule is never to choose the combination of too bright colors. If you use them, the readers will be able to see the text on the slide but they will get tired in a couple of minutes.

Black and white is always a great idea if you prefer minimalism. However, it's better not to choose a pure white and pure dark, but make them a little bit subtle. In this way, it will be easier for the audience to read the information.


Images are important indeed. But you need to use them carefully not to make your presentation too heavy for comprehension. Also, it's better to use pictures and photos that will support your idea or will create a connection between an image and text.


We all like beautiful and curvy fonts but they should never be applied in presentations. The fonts in powerpoint templates Microsoft should be easily read, so it's better to stop by Helvetica and just play with sizes. Of course, you can make some accents with other fonts, but make sure that you use not more than 2 types of fonts in one presentation. A common approach here is to use one serif font and another one sans-serif one.


There are different types of layouts for one and the same presentation, and you are to check all of them before you make a decision. A layout will determine where your quotes will be placed for example, to the right or to the left of the slide, and other details that are important for visual representation.

When choosing a template, stick to the rule of minimalism. Slides that have too much information (pictures, texts, videos) are difficult to catch from the one sight, and your audience will either read the text or listen to your words.

6. FAQ.

In this FAQ section, you can get answers to the most frequently asked questions about presentation powerpoint templates. Of course, you can contact our responsive support service that works 24/7. You can do it via chat. However, before you send a question to our support representatives check this section. Maybe you'll find answer to your question here.

How will I know that this template match my needs?

First of all, you should understand what kind of template you will need. Determine what category you need to check. There you'll find dozens of first-rate powerpoint templates for sale on the theme that you need. Feel free to look through their titles and descriptions to get the idea of what you will see inside if you open them. Moreover, you can download a demo version and see whether it really meets your needs or not.

What will I get if I buy powerpoint templates at your site?

You'll get an excellent template that will be 100% ready to use for your presentation needs. It will include 3 files. You'll get the Title slide, the Print slide, and the Text slide. Feel free to customize them in the way you want. There you'll find slides with a custom background with set layout and fonts. You'll get completely unique design from skilled and talented designers.

What presentation template will you recommend for my annual business report?

If it is a business report, you will need to use a business presentation template with neat and tight design that will meet the tone of your official speech. Consider using diagrams and charts if you feel they will make your presentation better.

Will the templates you offer work on Mac as well?

Of course, they will work on Mac. However, you should have Microsoft office installed on your Mac. Moreover, you'll need to have Mac OS 10 to work with MS office and templates.

What version of Microsoft office do I need to work with your templates?

Microsoft office 10 and all later versions will do.

Is there any guarantee that I get a completely original template?

Yes, we are so sure of high quality and originality of the templates that are crafted by our masterful designers that we are glad to offer you 100% uniqueness guarantee. If you want highly exclusive template, we can create it for you as well. Just contact us, tell us about your current presentations templates powerpoint needs, and specify all the details. Once we get the instructions from you we'll find the most suitable designer who will readily craft an excellent and original template for you from scratch.

What if I like the background in the ordered presentation but fonts and colors don't appeal to my taste?

In this case, you are welcome to contact us and explain us what exactly you want to change. We'd like to emphasize that all the solutions we offer are 100% custom. That's why it is never a problem for us to alter the aspects that you find to be unsuitable.

How much time will you need to create a custom presentation for me from scratch?

It depends on the requirements that you'll give to us. Your personal manager will contact you and ask you for the details. Once you provide the details of your order he/she will choose the most experienced and well-versed designer for your order. Also, your personal manager will inform you about the time that the designer will need to complete your order.

What if you don't have a template that I need?

This is not a problem at all. We'll create a great template for you from scratch. It will be crafted taking into account all the requirements that you will give to us. Thus, the more detailed instructions you send us, the more custom template you'll get in the end.

Why should I buy templates? I can use free templates. What's the difference?

Well, you can use free templates. However, you should take into account that thousands of users like you can have the same template. So, it won't be original. If you want to make the best impression on your audience, you should have unique design and images in your arsenal.

Is it safe to download templates from your site?

Sure thing, it is 100% to download files from our site. All of them are thoroughly checked and stored using the latest encryption technologies so that no one can hack them.

7. Conclusion.

So, as you can see, at our site, you can find a huge spectrum of powerpoint poster templates, professional business powerpoint templates, american powerpoint templates, and many other types of ppt presentations. All of them are of the superior quality and crafted to make your presentations bright, unique, and efficient. No matter what theme you need, we have dozens of ms office templates powerpoint solutions to meet your requirements and tastes.

Give it a try and you'll like the results that you'll get!