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Sparkling Utopia A Futuristic City Amidst Nature's Majesty and Skyscrapers with Planets in the Sky - AI-generated Image

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 46647
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The image is a beautiful, surreal depiction of a futuristic city situated amidst a stunning natural landscape. The cityscape is adorned with towering skyscrapers that blend seamlessly with the surrounding nature. The sky above is filled with multiple planets, giving the image an otherworldly feel. The scene incorporates futuristic elements such as space ships and flying vehicles, creating a sense of advanced technology. The image has been created using Unreal Engine and Blender in 3D, resulting in a visually stunning and vibrant composition. Additionally, there is sparkling water flowing through the city, adding a touch of shimmer and life to the overall scene. The image should have a resolution of 750 pixels. More...

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