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Smiling 6-Year-Old Asian Girl Waves Red Flag on China's National Day - AI-generated Image

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 40304
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The image description is: This is a full body portrait of an adorable 6-year-old Asian girl waving a red flag with a big smile on her pretty face. She has straight black hair and is surrounded by the festive atmosphere of China's National Day holiday. The photograph is a masterpiece captured with amazing detail and depth of field. It is available in high-resolution formats including 4k and 8k, ensuring the best quality and fine detail. The image has a natural shadow, and the technical specifications include using an 85mm lens with an aperture of f1.4, ISO 200, and a shutter speed of 1/1600. The image aspect ratio is 3:4, the video version has a frame rate of 5.2, and the image size is 250. More...

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