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Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, 11052, Education & Training —
Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, Slide 2, 11052, Education & Training —
Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, Slide 3, 11052, Education & Training —
Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, Slide 4, 11052, Education & Training —
Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, Slide 5, 11052, Education & Training —
Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, Slide 6, 11052, Education & Training —
Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth, Slide 7, 11052, Education & Training —

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Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade Physical Life and Earth - Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 11052
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Free Google Slides Theme and PowerPoint Template

If you're an elementary school teacher, you know how important it is to present complex scientific concepts in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. And that's where our free Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade: Physical, Life, and Earth presentation template comes in.

This cute and colorful template has been specifically designed for teachers who want to make science fun and interactive for their students. Featuring 35 different slides, this template covers a wide range of topics, including the phases of the Moon, states of matter, and other important scientific concepts.

The illustrations you'll find in this template are absolutely adorable and feature a variety of characters, such as earth, girl, and boy characters, trees and flora, moon and sun phases, and other things. These illustrations will help to engage your students and make the learning experience more enjoyable and memorable.

In addition to the cute illustrations, this template also features clear and concise explanations of each concept. Whether you're teaching about the water cycle, the solar system, or the different states of matter, you'll find all the information you need to explain these concepts in a way that's easy for your students to understand.

This presentation template is perfect for teachers who want to create engaging and interactive science lessons for their elementary school students. Whether you're teaching in-person or online, this template can be used in both PowerPoint and Google Slides, making it easy to incorporate into your lesson plans.

Overall, our Science Subject for Elementary - 3rd Grade: Physical, Life, and Earth presentation template is a fun and engaging way to teach science to young students. With its cute illustrations, clear explanations, and interactive features, this template is sure to be a hit in any elementary school classroom.

Template Features:

  • - 100% editable and easy to modify
  • - 2 dark and light slides to impress your audience
  • - Contains easy-to-edit graphics
  • - Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • - PPT/PPTX format file
  • - 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • - Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used.
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