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School Free Google Slides Theme

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 00013
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Everybody knows that creating a comfortable atmosphere for the audience is even more important than making a great performance. Especially, if it is a presentation of a non-governmental social project or something you want to show students or school children. If you want to take your audience into an atmosphere of memories and impressions – the free school Google slides template will make it the best way.

When you talk about school, people burst with sweet memories about this amazing time. When the first slide they see looks like a sheet of checkered paper they used for school assignments they recall this amazing time and cannot take their eyes from your presentation. They are even more satisfied when you add:

  • Bright pictures and creative figures framed in a blue background image;

  • Using big pictures and figures instead of showing tons of text;

  • Show complex ideas using pictures and short phrases making better impact than even a thousand words;

  • Show interesting signs and symbols, looking at them people will recall pictures they used to draw in their notebooks and at the same time, illustrate the background of your idea much better than any framework.

Don't think that the school template is not serious enough for your presentation. School memories will make your watchers look at the presentation without even taking their eyes off the screen. If you want to make an astounding impression for any watcher of your presentation – download the school Google Slides template right now.

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