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Red Apple Held by Delicate Hand Under Blue Sky Photo Real Apple with Embroidered Sleeves 8K High - AI-generated Image

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 40948
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In this image, there is a clear blue sky as the backdrop, with fluffy white clouds. A white hand, soft and delicate, extends from below, holding a real red apple with two green leaves on its handle. The apple features a pattern on the outside and is significantly emphasized in the image. The hand is adorned with embroidered sleeves, adding a touch of elegance. The photograph is captured using a Lycra lens, resulting in a large depth of field, allowing for sharp focus on the apple, hand, and clouds. The image is shot in real-time and follows a photography style. It is displayed in 8K high definition, ensuring high levels of detail and sharpness. More...

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