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Historical Genre Atmospheric Red and Gold Sidewalk Scene in China Inspired by Dansaekhwa Photo - AI-generated Free Image

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 41927
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The image is a depiction of a traditional Chinese street during the Zhou Dynasty. It is portrayed in the style of atmospheric lighting, with vibrant colors illuminating the scene. The sidewalk scenes capture everyday life, showcasing people in colorful attire. The predominant colors used are red and gold, reminiscent of the rich cultural heritage of China. The image follows the principles of dansaekhwa, a Korean painting style known for its minimalist approach. The photograph was taken using Ferrania P30 film, giving it a vintage aesthetic. It belongs to the historical genre, emphasizing the importance of capturing the essence of a specific time period. Soft atmospheric perspective is employed to create depth and distance, adding a sense of tranquility to the overall composition. The image has an aspect ratio of 128:85. More...

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