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Fight GoogleSlide Templates
- Google Slides Theme
- 40 Slides
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
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- Google Slides Theme
- 40 Slides
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
Unlock this file and gain access to other Premium resources.
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2 file PPTX for Google Slide
30 Unique Slide
60 Slides Total
16 : 9 Aspect Ratio
1 color schemes on white and dark background versions
Vector Icons Included In Files
Fully Editable
Charts are editable in excel
Image placeholder
Documentation & Quick Guide file
FREE FONT USE (file info)
Please install fonts before open the Presentation
Stock Photos are not included
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or need support. Thank you! :) More...

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- Presentation Templates
- Google Slides Themes
- Fight GoogleSlide Templates
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