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Dot Pattern Background with Love Shape
- Pattern
- 1080x1080
- 72 DPI
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- Pattern
- 1080x1080
- 72 DPI
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Dot pattern background with love shape. Endless dot pattern background with cute love shapes. Seamless beautiful pattern decoration with different dot shapes on a white background. Cute abstract pattern for wrapping paper and bed sheets.
Welcome to Ifti Digital Graphic Store. Here You Can find amazing Graphic Design and Digital Files for yourself, friends & family, or anyone who supports your Special days & Occasions.
Each design works in any design application such as Cricut Design Space.
You will receive this design in the following formats:
- Ai File
- EPS file
- PDF file
- PNG file
- High-Resolution Vactor
- 72 Dpi
These digital clip art files can be used for:
- Scrapbooking
- Cut machines
- Vinyl decals, stickers
- Clothes printing
- Printable decoration
- Cards & Invitation design
- Iron-on Transfer
- Engraving More...

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