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After the Rain Classicism in the City - HDR Photo of a Wet City Street with Red Umbrella - AI-generated Free Image

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 41177
4.7 of 5(3)
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This image is a city street captured during a rainy day. The wet road reflects the surrounding buildings and creates a sleek, shiny surface. Placed in the middle of the road is a red umbrella, standing out brightly against the muted background. The image is created using the degree offset method, a technique that adds depth and dimension to the scene. It follows a classical composition style, with balanced elements and symmetry. The image has a high resolution of 16k, ensuring intricate details are visible, and it utilizes HDR (High Dynamic Range) technology, enhancing the contrast between light and dark areas for a visually appealing result. More...

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