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Afrocentric Love Heavenly Dark African Couple Embracing in Cubist Painting - AI-generated Image

Since July 18, 2004
ID: 45875
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This image is a detailed, realistic painting depicting a beautiful African couple. They are shown in a side view, shyly smiling and embracing each other, with full body pose and shapely bodies. The couple is portrayed as god and goddess, with strong African feathers and a celestial vibe. The painting is done in a cubist style, incorporating bold colors such as red, black, turquoise, and metallic gold, with a half moon and sun in the background. The overall composition has symmetrical harmony and presents a unique Afrocentric perspective. The artwork is inspired by the styles of James Jean and Moebius, and it captures the essence of African beauty and love. The image is taken using a Wollensak 127mm f 4.7 Ektar lens, utilizing a camera lucida for precise replication. The visualization is illuminated in a miniature format and encompasses the aesthetic trends from 1970 to the present. The dimensions of the image are in an aspect ratio of 2:3, and it possesses a resolution of 850 pixels. More...

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