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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Background Design with Bokeh Style Golden Snowflake Balls

Dal 20 novembre 2021
ID: 01627
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Merry christmas and happy new year background design with bokeh style golden snowflake balls

Colorful christmas background design with Golden balls, snowflake
and ornamental bokeh style. Various colorful christmas objects with background.


- RGB Color Mode
- Fully Editable
- 300 DPI
- Free Font Used
- Easy to customize
- Organized Layers

Files Included:

- 1 Ai file
- 1 Eps file
- 1 Help File

Important Note :

Please, Kindly remember the images and mockups are not included in the download flies.
They are used for presentation purpose only. If u like it don't forget to rate it.
Thank you for your time.
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