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Merry Christmas 2022 Merry Christmas Design with Decorative Letters and Light Abstract
- Sfondo
- 1080x1080
- 300 DPI
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- Sfondo
- 1080x1080
- 300 DPI
Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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Colorful christmas background design with decorative letters and light colorful golden ball candy
and ornamental bokeh style. Various useful christmas objects with background.
- RGB Color Mode
- Fully Editable
- 300 DPI
- Free Font Used
- Easy to customize
- Organized Layers
Files Included:
- 1 Ai file
- 1 Eps file
- 1 Help File
Important Note :
Please, Kindly remember the images and mockups are not included in the download flies.
They are used for presentation purpose only. If u like it don't forget to rate it.
Thank you for your time.
Prodotti correlati
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- Sfondi
- Merry Christmas 2022 Merry Christmas Design with Decorative Letters and Light Abstract
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