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Marketing Campaign Strategy PowerPoint, 12296, Lavoro —
Marketing Campaign Strategy PowerPoint, Slide 2, 12296, Lavoro —
Marketing Campaign Strategy PowerPoint, Slide 3, 12296, Lavoro —
Marketing Campaign Strategy PowerPoint, Slide 4, 12296, Lavoro —

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Marketing Campaign Strategy PowerPoint - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 4 febbraio 2020
ID: 12296
4.9 di 5(7)
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A Marketing Campaign is a coordinated effort to promote a product, service, or brand to a specific audience through marketing channels. This is done to achieve marketing objectives such as lead generation, website traffic, brand awareness, and sales growth. This marketing campaign presentation template has all most needed topics such as: Company; Mission & Vision Statements; Marketing Campaign Goals; Marketing Channels; Value Proposition Canvas, Team; Product; Product Price Positioning; Product Pricing Strategy; Product Price Plan; Target Market, Competition; Buyer Persona; Buyer Persona Preferences; 6C Customer Motivation; Buyer Persona Model; Online Store Buyers Analysis; Marketing Campaign Highlights; Inbound Methodology; Marketing Campaign Dashboard; Activity Calendar; Marketing Budget; Market Share Forecast.


16:9 (1920x1080) Screen Size
3 Pre-made color themes
Full Editable


3 PPTX (PowerPoint) files
User Guide PDF file


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