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Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, 06112, Modelli di lavoro —
Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Slide 2, 06112, Modelli di lavoro —
Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Slide 3, 06112, Modelli di lavoro —
Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Slide 4, 06112, Modelli di lavoro —
Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Slide 5, 06112, Modelli di lavoro —
Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template, Slide 6, 06112, Modelli di lavoro —

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Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 4 febbraio 2020
ID: 06112
4.7 di 5(156)
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A project plan defines project goals and objectives, specifies tasks and how goals will be achieved, identifies what resources will be needed and associated budgets and timelines for completion. A project plan defines all work in a project and identifies who will do it. This full ready to work Project Plan presentation template include all necessary topics like statement of work, team, work breakdown structure, a project schedule and a risk plan.


- Project Summary
- Project Planning Process
- Project Scope
- Project Objectives
- Planning Cycle Flowchart
- Plan Evaluation
- Plan Implementation
- Project Lifecycle Phases
- Critical Path Method
- Project Timeline
- Action Plan
- Week Scheduler
- Month Scheduler
- Yearly Scheduler
- Project Status Dashboard
- Management Team
- Project Team
- Project Team Structure
- Project Cost Estimate
- Price Table
- Possible Risk Types
- Project Risk Matrix
- Project Risk Tracking
- Communication Plan
- Project Health Card
- Mission
- Vision
- What We Do
- History
- Achievements
- Strategic Goals
- Awards
- Wireframe Samples
- Contacts


- Widescreen 16:9 (1920x1080) screen size
- Full editable in PowerPoint
- White and Dark versions
- Free fonts
- User guide
- Vector icons


- 2 PPTX (MS PowerPoint) files
- User Guide PDF file


- All photos on the demo is only for preview purpose only and not included on the files Altro...

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