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Web Design and Development - Project Proposal PowerPoint Template, 06694, Templat Presentasi —
Web Design and Development - Project Proposal PowerPoint Template, Slide 2, 06694, Templat Presentasi —
Web Design and Development - Project Proposal PowerPoint Template, Slide 3, 06694, Templat Presentasi —
Web Design and Development - Project Proposal PowerPoint Template, Slide 4, 06694, Templat Presentasi —
Web Design and Development - Project Proposal PowerPoint Template, Slide 5, 06694, Templat Presentasi —

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Web Design and Development - Project Proposal PowerPoint Template - Templat PowerPoint

Penulis ContestDesign
Sejak 8 Februari 2020
ID: 06694
4.7 dari 5(10)
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A clean and creative presentation template created in corporate style with web design and software development topics. A confident and professional web project PowerPoint template will help you to convince your client with eye-friendly visual presentation. The template contains 43 slides with easy to edit texts, colors, and shapes.

* 43 unique custom slides
* 5 color versions with light and dark backgrounds
* 16:9 and 4:3 ratio
* All elements included
* Super custom animated effects
* Professional, creative, clean, and corporate design
* Links to used fonts, music and pictures are included
* Image placeholders in PSD-format (Smart object) included
* Placeholder ready to drug & done
* Short instruction included

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