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Purple 3D Text Effect Design with Color

Penulis lsvect
Sejak 2 Oktober 2021
ID: 00924
0.0 dari 5(0)
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Introducing my new product Fading Text Effect

The zip file contains that I used in my presentation as well as instructions on how to
alter the text or logo using Smart Object.
I appreciate your interest in my earlier text effect items, and I’ll keep working to make you
something new and different every time.

I am now presenting my most glamorous product to date.
It has an elegant appearance and accurate, realistic detailing.
Simply type anything you want to utilize;
it’s really simple and ready to use.

File Type

1) PSD

Go for this Fading Text Effect look for all your text and logo’s in seconds!

• All texts are editable: You can edit all the texts. These styles work on any text and font perfectly.

• Usable in 300DPI projects: These styles work perfectly with 300DPI projects. You can also use these styles for print projects.

• Clean and orderly layers: All layers are properly named and categorized. So with a quick look at the layers, you can find what you are looking for.

• It only works with Adobe Photoshop.

• 01 PSD files Smart Object

Thank you for purchasing my file.

If you need help with the file or special customizing, please contact me via my Creative Fabrice profile.
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