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Product Catalog Design and Architecture Portfolio Template or Business Brochure Layout
- Brosur
- 12 Halaman
- A4 8.27 x 11.69"
- 300 DPI
Buka kunci file ini dan dapatkan akses ke sumber daya Premium lainnya
Menjadi Premium dan Unduh! | Sudah Premium? Masuk
- Brosur
- 12 Halaman
- A4 8.27 x 11.69"
- 300 DPI
Buka kunci file ini dan dapatkan akses ke sumber daya Premium lainnya
Menjadi Premium dan Unduh! | Sudah Premium? Masuk
Thank You for purchasing my file. If you need any help with color customizing or text updating please contact me through my profile page.
• 12 Pages
• Size: A4 (8.27x11.69)
• 0.125 Bleed.
• 300 dpi
• PDF File
• Preview Image not included in the main file
• CMYK color mode
• Easy to Edit
• Help File
Files types included:
• Adobe Illustrator CS (EPS File)
Please note: Have fun with this cool and smooth Design Catalog Brochure and be creative with your content. If help is needed feel free to contact me.
If you like this item please rate.
Thank you Lainnya...

Item terkait
- Semua Item
- Template Grafis
- Brosur
- Product Catalog Design and Architecture Portfolio Template or Business Brochure Layout
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