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Summer Raspberry Delight A Bunch of Juicy Raspberries on a White Background FREE Photo - Foto stok HD gratis

Penulis Ivanna
Sejak 30 Oktober 2019
ID: 32465
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Experience the essence of summer with this captivating top-view photograph. A bountiful gathering of plump and juicy raspberries awaits, their vibrant red hues enticing your senses. These luscious berries are beautifully arranged in a bunch, showcasing their natural sweetness and juiciness. The white background accentuates the vibrant colors of the raspberries, creating a visually stunning composition. As you admire the enticing display, a few fresh mint leaves nearby add a touch of freshness and a subtle hint of herbal aroma. Each raspberry is a burst of flavor, offering a delightful combination of tanginess and sweetness. Whether enjoyed on their own, used in baking, or added to various dishes, these summer raspberries are a true delight for both the eyes and the taste buds. Immerse yourself in their juicy allure and savor the essence of the season. Lainnya...
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