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Event Proposal Keynote Template, 09250, Bisnis —
Event Proposal Keynote Template, Slide 2, 09250, Bisnis —
Event Proposal Keynote Template, Slide 3, 09250, Bisnis —
Event Proposal Keynote Template, Slide 4, 09250, Bisnis —

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Event Proposal Keynote Template - Template Keynote

Penulis JetzTemplates
Sejak 4 Februari 2020
ID: 09250
4.0 dari 5(1)
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Event proposal is a comprehensive document that outlines the event which you want to organize. All elements of proposal should be well written, contain specifics regarding what services are included in the proposal, and illustrate how you will carry out the event, providing the necessary details. This business presentation template have all necessary topics to create impressive proposal for event, conference or webinar.


Event Description
Target Audience
Event Benefits
Dates and Maps - World
Dates and Maps - U.S.A
Dates and Maps - Europe
Dates and Maps - Canada
Dates and Maps - U.A.E
Dates and Maps - S. Korea
Dates and Maps - Australia
Placement Schemes
Clients Testimonials
Price Plans
Special Offer
Five Differences
Our Company
Our Achievements
Our Services


16:9 Screen Size (1920x1080)
Full editable in Apple Keynote
5 Pre-made color themes


5 KEY (Apple Keynote) files
User Guide PDF file


All photos on the demo is only for preview purpose only and not included on the files. Lainnya...
Kategori: Bisnis
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