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BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 2, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 3, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 4, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 5, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 6, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 7, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 8, 08844, Bisnis —
BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template, Slide 9, 08844, Bisnis —

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BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template - Templat PowerPoint

Sejak 10 Juni 2020
ID: 08844
0.0 dari 5(0)
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BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template has a professional, ultra-modern and unique design, where each slide is created with love and attention to detail. BLAEEN - Brand Powerpoint Template is a multipurpose Presentation template that can be used for any type of presentation: business, portfolio, corporate, branding, advertising etc. The template is divided into several categories: (opening slides, our team, our services, portfolio and many others).

- Unique and Fresh Design
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Based on Master Slides
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Picture Placeholder
- Just Drag and Drop!
- Easily Editable!

- Powerpoint .pptx & .ppt file
- Documentation File
- Read Me ( Use Font )

Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and not actually included on the files

Hope you Like it.
Thanks. Lainnya...
Kategori: Bisnis

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