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Studio Star Presentation Folder Design Template, 12134, Negócios —
Studio Star Presentation Folder Design Template, Deslizar 2, 12134, Negócios —
Studio Star Presentation Folder Design Template, Deslizar 3, 12134, Negócios —

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Studio Star Presentation Folder Design Template

Desde 8 de fevereiro de 2020
ID: 12134
0.0 de 5(0)
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This is a simple unique creative and dynamic presentation folder template that will deliver professionalism, stylish and confidence to your recipient. suitable for any kind of small to large organization.

This Presentation Folder is very easy to use and change text, color, size, pocket and everything because I made it on illustrator and included EPS File so please don't worry about changing.


* CMYK Print Ready
* Include dye cut, creasing and trim marks
* Folder with pocket
* Multi color variations
* Free font used (link included)
* One click color change via swatches
Please Note : Mockup and Images are not include in the main file (mockup and images only use for preview) But, include used fonts and images link in the documentation folder

We are a professional global creative collective with over 15 years of experience working on high end branding and product development in print and digital media.

Thank you for viewing and/or purchasing our templates. We really hope you enjoy this one with its flexibility to create whatever you desire!

If you love it, remember to FOLLOW ME so you'll be notified about my updates on new product launches! If you have any questions regarding this item or anything, just hit me with a message and let's have a virtual cup of coffee to discuss :)



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