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Graceful Blooms Delicate Peonies on Soft Pastel Background - Fotografia Premium

Por Ivanna
Desde 30 de outubro de 2019
ID: 30456
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A minimalist and elegant photo of white peonies with a pink center on a pastel cream background. The flowers are positioned to the left, and the vast expanse of negative space on the right adds a sense of calmness and serenity. Perfect for spring or summer-themed designs.
This stunning photo features a bunch of white peonies with a pink center on a soft pastel cream background, making it an ideal addition to any design that calls for elegance and refinement. The photo is taken from a top-down perspective, with the flowers beautifully arranged to the left side of the frame, leaving a generous amount of negative space on the right. This composition adds a feeling of tranquility and simplicity to the image, making it a perfect choice for spring or summer designs, wedding invitations, feminine blogs, or any other project that calls for a touch of beauty and grace. Mais...
Categorias: FeriadosNatureza
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