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Consulting Business Website HTML Template, 00024, Negócios e serviços —
Consulting Business Website HTML Template, Deslizar 2, 00024, Negócios e serviços —

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Consulting Business Website HTML Template

Desde 2 de outubro de 2021
ID: 00024
5.0 de 5(1)
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Fozila is Bootstrap Creative Business HTML5 Template. Fozila comes with a lot of styles with creative high-quality design, numbers of CSS and JQuery animations. It is a perfect choice for any kind of corporate and business website.

Template Features:

Powered by Bootstrap
Multi page Template
Well documented codes
Fully Responsive
Free Google Fonts
Owl Carousel 2
Font Awesome Icons
Working Contact Form with PHP with validation
Home Particles Effect
W3C validated HTML and CSS code
Cross Browser Compatible
Free Updates....

Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.


Download the .zip version
Extract the .zip folder
From the documentation Folder, open the documentation and follow instruction to set the theme up as per your requirement. Mais...