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Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, 09190, Negócios —
Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, Deslizar 2, 09190, Negócios —
Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, Deslizar 3, 09190, Negócios —
Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, Deslizar 4, 09190, Negócios —
Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, Deslizar 5, 09190, Negócios —
Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, Deslizar 6, 09190, Negócios —
Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template, Deslizar 7, 09190, Negócios —

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Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template - Modelo do PowerPoint

Desde 1 de agosto de 2021
ID: 09190
4.5 de 5(67)
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Business Plan Presentation PowerPoint template

A Modern and fully business template contains milestones at which certain aspects of the project are to be completed. In addition, a comprehensive this presentation includes a list of the key participants in the endeavor and contain a detailed budget that includes a summation of anticipated costs and a time frame for specific expenditure. Big typefaces and contrast colors will allow to focus on your data and final analysis.

52 master slides
Very easy and unlimited color change using modifier
16:9 full HD widescreen
Using free fonts (please read product manual)
Modern, simple and clean Design
Any shape is editable vector
Ideal for modern business presentations
Drug & Drop Image Replace Mais...


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