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Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram, 10674, Modelos de Negócio —
Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram, Deslizar 2, 10674, Modelos de Negócio —
Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram, Deslizar 3, 10674, Modelos de Negócio —

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Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram - Modelo de apresentação gratuito para Google Slides e PowerPoint

Desde 18 de julho de 2004
ID: 10674
4.6 de 5(150)
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Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

The Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram is an editable free presentation diagram template that works in Google Slides and PowerPoint. It contains a 4-step circular diagram with a circle in the center divided into 3 parts. The diagram shows, according to the Belbin theory the next team roles: implementer, completer, monitor evaluator, coordinator, sharper, resources investigator, team worker, coordinator, plant, specialist, and complete finisher.

Teamwork is a crucial part of a business and is the most common way of working these days. Belbin's team roles provide a useful model for maximizing the performance of teams. In the late 1970s, Dr. Meredith Belbin and his research team studied teamwork for many years and observed that people tend to take different roles within a team. They divided these roles into 8 team roles (later on, the 9th role, Specialist was added). The team roles describe a pattern of behavior that characterizes one person's behavior in relationship to another in facilitating the progress of a team.

Belbin identified nine team roles, and he categorized those roles into three groups: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented.

Use this Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram presentation template to impress your audience with an outstanding Belbin's Team Roles Model Cycle Diagram PowerPoint Template. Create professional PowerPoint presentations or Google Slides presentations on team building, team management, and team members' strength and weakness topics that appeal to global audiences. Download instantly, tailor it with your information, and use it to look like a presentation pro.

Template Features:

* 100% editable and easy to modify
* 2 dark and light slides to impress your audience
* Contains easy-to-edit graphics
* Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
* PPT/PPTX format file
* 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
* Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used.
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