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LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 2, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 3, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 4, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 5, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 6, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 7, 10104, Bedrijf —
LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template, Dia 8, 10104, Bedrijf —

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LINEO - Minimal Animated Google Slide Template - Google Presentaties-thema

Door Voltgroup
Sinds 16 september 2020
ID: 10104
4.0 van 5(1)
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If you’re looking for a minimal, and strictly professional roadmap template for your next presentation, this product is an excellent contender for your cash. It features a range of slides that can be fully customized to your specific requirements.


70+ Creative Slides
Full Screen & Responsive (16:9)
Fully Animated Slides (Clean & Smooth)
Vector Shape All Elements
Master Slide Option (Easy Editable)
Drag & Drop Image (Image Replace)
Font Icon Library (Font Collection)
All Essential Function (Portfolio, Team Work, Infographic, Chart etc..,)
Full Documentation (Online with Video Tutorial)
Free Google Font Meer...

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