About Product
This Modern and Clean template will give you a sample structure for all businesses. and it will help you to gain new customers in the process.
Print Ready
CMYK Color
Fully Editable, Layered
High Resolution
Ai/Eps/ Format File Included
8.27×11.69 inches (0.125” bleed)
Easy editable
Use google fonts
Free Font use
Photos are not included
Files included:
2 Ai/Eps Files
font link included in the main file.
Open Sans: https://www.dafontfree.io/poppins-font-family/
Thank you 기타…
This Modern and Clean template will give you a sample structure for all businesses. and it will help you to gain new customers in the process.
Print Ready
CMYK Color
Fully Editable, Layered
High Resolution
Ai/Eps/ Format File Included
8.27×11.69 inches (0.125” bleed)
Easy editable
Use google fonts
Free Font use
Photos are not included
Files included:
2 Ai/Eps Files
font link included in the main file.
Open Sans: https://www.dafontfree.io/poppins-font-family/
Thank you 기타…
더 많은 제품 kamalhose
관련 항목
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페이지를 새로고침하고 다시 시도해 주세요. 문제가 계속되면 30-40분 후에 다시 시도해 주시기 바랍니다. 양해해 주셔서 감사합니다.