Clover - Real Estate PowerPoint Presentation Template - PowerPointテンプレート
ID: 09642
- PowerPointテンプレート
- 34 スライド
- 16:9
- 1366x768
- 300 DPI
- PowerPointテンプレート
- 34 スライド
- 16:9
- 1366x768
- 300 DPI
Introducing **Clover - Real Estate PowerPoint Presentation Template**
CLOVER This presentation can be used for Real Estate, Architecture, Apartment and various purposes such as: Construction, Company Businesses, Agency , Corporate, Projects, Multipurpose, Pitch Deck, Minimal , Etc
- 34 Unique Slides
- 300 + Icon
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Based on Master Slides
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Just Drag and Drop!
- Easily Editable!
- PowerPoint .PPTX file
- Vector Icons
- Documentation File もっと見る...
CLOVER This presentation can be used for Real Estate, Architecture, Apartment and various purposes such as: Construction, Company Businesses, Agency , Corporate, Projects, Multipurpose, Pitch Deck, Minimal , Etc
- 34 Unique Slides
- 300 + Icon
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Based on Master Slides
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Just Drag and Drop!
- Easily Editable!
- PowerPoint .PPTX file
- Vector Icons
- Documentation File もっと見る...
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- Clover - Real Estate PowerPoint Presentation Template