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Young Asian Girl Waving a Red Flag on China's National Day - Portrait of a 6-year-old with Straight - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale gratuita

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 48938
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In this image, a 6-year-old Asian girl is seen waving a red flag and smiling. The streets are filled with the celebratory atmosphere of China’s National Day holiday. The girl has a pretty face and is captured in a full body portrait. She has straight black hair, and her smile showcases her happiness. The image is a masterpiece in terms of its technical qualities, with an Ultra high resolution of 4k or 8k, providing fine details and amazing clarity. The photograph also demonstrates a depth of field, with natural shadows adding depth to the composition. The use of an 85mm lens at f1.4, ISO 200, and a shutter speed of 1600, contributes to the overall quality of the image. The aspect ratio is 3:4, and the version is 5.2. Note that the final image may have a large file size due to its high resolution and intricate details. The resulting image will be in HD, showcasing the beauty of the scene. Altro...

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