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The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 2, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 3, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 4, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 5, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 6, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 7, 12220, Lavoro —
The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template, Slide 8, 12220, Lavoro —

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The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Google Slides Template - Tema di Presentazioni Google

Dal 19 agosto 2023
ID: 12220
5.0 di 5(1)
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**The Minimalist Brand Guidelines Template**

The brand guidelines template features a minimalist style design, bold typography,
The template is available in 1920x1080px which supports retina display specifically designed for your client to
send as a digital PDF. The design is highly focussed on a minimalist approach featuring bold typography,
a clean colour palette and optional layout choices of which is extremely easy to customise to your own liking.



We made this presentation in many formats for different types of technical and non-technical people.
Choose what and how can you edit it.

- **Canva** Online editable: Canva (No skills required. Edit on your web browser, just sign up for free in and start to edit)
- **Microsoft Office:** PowerPoint PPTX (Edit with PowerPoint)


- Fully customisable content from fonts to colours
- Modern Landscape Layout
- 40+ Unique & Gorgeous Layout
- High-res 1920x1080 Pixel (Full HD)
- International A4 paper size
- 10 Sections: Logo, Colour Palette, Typography, Digital, Imagery, Stationery, Media,
Online, Social, Info and mores
- Easy to modify fonts and colour palette
- Easy to Customize and Fully Editable
- Free font links in the file
- Original PDF
- Example Logos



- Cover Page
- Logos
- Typography
- Social Media
- Website
- Imagery
- Stationery
- Packaging
- Values
- Resources


- **Canva:** Canva (Edit online with your web browser)
- **Microsoft Office:** PowerPoint PPTX (Edit with PowerPoint)


**What can I customize?**

Our Brand Guidelines template allows you to simply add your logo, images and edit your brand colours and typography and
you’re good to go. Don’t waste your time, we’ve done all the hard work for you.

**Use Fonts**

The template uses free fonts and links to the fonts are included inside the download.

**IMPORTANT:** This files are only editable in **Microsoft PowerPoint** or higher! Images are NOT included. Used for preview purpose only. Altro...
Categorie: Lavoro

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