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Smiling Businessman on Staircase with Cell Phone A Multicultural Illustration in the Style - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 42348
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In this image, a business man is depicted standing on a staircase, smiling and holding a cell phone. The style of the image is inspired by artists Henryk Gotlib, Prateep Kochabua, and Balcomb Greene, which suggests a mix of multicultural influences. The composition is wrapped, potentially indicating a sense of containment or completion. The image requires back button focus, which implies that the focus can be adjusted independently from the shutter release button. The overall aesthetic of the image is characterized by polished surfaces, possibly implying a sleek and refined appearance. The aspect ratio is specified as 85:128, which determines the proportional relationship between the width and height of the image. Altro...
Categorie: LavoroPersone

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