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Simple Creative Corporate Professional Business Card 003
- Biglietto da visita
- 2 Pagine
- 3.5 x 2" With Bleed 2.25 x 3.75"
- 300 DPI
Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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- Biglietto da visita
- 2 Pagine
- 3.5 x 2" With Bleed 2.25 x 3.75"
- 300 DPI
Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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You can create your own business card very easily! You can modify everything very easily and quickly. Changing the color style, picture, typo is no problem. It can be used for personal branding, identity, corporate name card, Photographer, Artist, Designer, Freelancers, Corporate Business, Agency, Creative, Blog, Magazine, Retail or any purposes.
Features about the Business Card Template:
• Easy Customizable and Editable Design
• 03 Color Variant
• 3.5×2 Inch(3.75×2.25 Inch with bleed)
• 300 DPI
• CMYK Colors
• Horizontal Templates
• Print Ready Files
• Free Font Used
• Images are not included
Illustrator CC (Ai & EPS)
Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
We Save it with an AI & EPS CC version that's why you can edit or work in any kind of Ai/ EPS version easily. High resolution JPG 3000×2000 pixel images and PDF file added.
Included in the zip file:
1. AI file
2. EPS file
3. PDF file
4. Help Folder
5. Preview Folder
6. Font Link
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- Simple Creative Corporate Professional Business Card 003
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