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Rorbu Coastline Majestic Lofoten Landscape Bathed in Golden Midnight Sun - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 45235
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This photograph showcases the stunning landscape of Lofoten, Norway. The image captures the towering, rugged peaks plunging into the deep blue sea, contrasted by the clusters of red and yellow Rorbu cabins along the shoreline. Using a wide-angle lens, the photographer ensures that the vastness of the landscape and the majestic mountains are the central focus of the composition. The ethereal glow of the midnight sun casts a surreal, golden light, creating long, dramatic shadows and emphasizing the wild beauty of Lofoten and its traditional coastal life. The image is in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Altro...

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