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Professional Woman Working at Desk with Laptop Computer - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 42972
0.0 di 5(0)
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In this high-resolution image, a woman is seen sitting at a desk with her laptop computer. The style of the image is influenced by the artist Артур Скижали-Вейс, characterized by uhd (ultra-high-definition) quality and the use of vibrant colors. The aesthetic is reminiscent of Mandy Disher's object portraiture, with a focus on capturing the woman's concentration and dedication to her work. The image has a cottagepunk vibe, and the background is a clean, white setting. The specific artwork mentioned, the Ferrania P30 --AR 128:85, contributes to the artistic interpretation of the image. Altro...
Categorie: Educazione

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