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White and Blue Surfboard Resting on a Pristine Beach Under a Sunny Sky - Foto d'archivio premium

Di Ivanna
Dal 30 ottobre 2019
ID: 32468
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This captivating photo captures the essence of a perfect beach day. In the foreground, a sleek white and blue surfboard gracefully rests on the soft sand, inviting adventure and excitement. The beach itself is vast and immaculate, with clean golden sand stretching as far as the eye can see. The medium-sized waves of the sparkling blue ocean roll gently onto the shore, creating a soothing and rhythmic melody. Above, the sky paints a beautiful light blue canvas, adorned with the radiant glow of the sun. Its warm rays cast a brilliant light, illuminating the scene with a captivating brilliance. It's a day filled with endless possibilities and the promise of unforgettable moments. Altro...
Categorie: VacanzeNatura
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