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Refreshing Delight Juicy Fresh Raspberry Dancing in a Splash of Water - Foto d'archivio premium

Di Ivanna
Dal 30 ottobre 2019
ID: 33554
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Witness the exhilarating moment as a succulent, ripe raspberry takes flight, suspended in a captivating splash of water. This vibrant red fruit, glistening with droplets, showcases its juiciness and freshness, evoking a sense of pure delight. Against the pristine white background, the raspberry becomes the star of the show, its natural beauty enhanced by the playful interaction with the water. Immerse yourself in this dynamic scene, where nature's flavors and textures come alive, leaving you with a craving for the sweet and tangy essence of this exquisite fruit. Altro...
Categorie: Cibo e bevande
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