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Easter Bunny with Tulips and Easter Eggs on Soft Pink Background - Foto d'archivio premium

Di Ivanna
Dal 30 ottobre 2019
ID: 27193
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Celebrate Easter with this adorable white toy bunny surrounded by vibrant yellow tulips and colorful Easter eggs on a soft pink pastel background. Perfect for Easter-themed projects and spring designs.
This horizontal photo features a cute white toy bunny with soft, fluffy fur sitting next to beautiful yellow tulips and colorful Easter eggs in shades of pink and yellow. The pastel pink background adds a touch of sweetness and warmth, making this image perfect for Easter-themed designs and spring-related projects. With plenty of empty space on the right, this photo provides ample room for text or additional elements. Use it for greeting cards, social media posts, posters, or any other creative project that needs an adorable Easter-themed touch.
Categorie: Vacanze
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