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Bountiful Harvest Raspberries Cascading into a Bowl on a White Table - Foto d'archivio HD gratis

Di Ivanna
Dal 30 ottobre 2019
ID: 33561
4.5 di 5(2)
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Experience the abundance of nature's bounty as plump, ripe raspberries gracefully tumble into a waiting bowl. The vibrant red berries, bursting with flavor, create a captivating scene of freshness and indulgence. A single raspberry rests delicately in the bowl, while others surround it, hinting at the luscious feast that awaits. Set against a pristine white table and background, this composition exudes elegance and simplicity. Immerse yourself in the mouthwatering allure of these juicy gems, capturing the essence of summertime sweetness and culinary inspiration. Altro...
Categorie: Cibo e bevande
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