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Abundant Harvest Top View of Juicy Yellow and Red Tomatoes in a Large Wooden Bowl - Foto d'archivio HD gratis

Di Ivanna
Dal 30 ottobre 2019
ID: 33564
4.5 di 5(2)
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Immerse yourself in the abundance of nature's bounty with this captivating top view photo. A large wooden bowl brims with a colorful assortment of juicy yellow and red tomatoes, creating a visual feast for the eyes. Each tomato glistens with freshness, inviting you to savor its vibrant flavors. The top view perspective offers a unique glimpse into the arrangement and variety of the tomatoes, showcasing their plumpness and rich hues. Whether used in salads, sauces, or enjoyed on their own, these tomatoes are a culinary delight that symbolizes the essence of summer's harvest. Altro...
Categorie: Cibo e bevande
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