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Photo Elegant Silver and Red Christmas Tree with Presents Meticulous Design and Monochromatic - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 43816
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In this image, a meticulously designed Christmas tree stands tall in an open room. The tree is adorned with silver and red decorations, creating an eye-catching and captivating display. Surrounding the tree are presents wrapped in matching silver and red wrapping paper. The aesthetic is enhanced by the monochromatic white figures scattered around the room. The image primarily focuses on the combination of white, silver, and red colors, creating a festive and elegant atmosphere. The use of RTX technology further enhances the visual quality, adding realistic reflections and shadows. The aspect ratio is 85:128, and the image has a version of 5.2. Altro...
Categorie: Vacanze

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