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Oktoberfest Enchantment Young Woman in Gaiters and Straw Hat Photo - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 44929
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In this image, a young woman wearing gaiters and a straw hat is captured at an Oktoberfest event. The photo is taken with a Nikon D750 camera, resulting in excellent technical quality. The lighting creates a captivating and enchanting atmosphere, with influences from the artist Richard Schmid. The aesthetic style of the image is cabincore, inspired by the cozy and rustic charm of woodland cabins. The overall vibe is reminiscent of the stories by Hans Christian Andersen. While the prompt mentions RTX on, it is unclear how this parameter applies to an image description. Additionally, there is a mention of Alex Alemany -ar 3:2, but it is not clear what this refers to. Altro...

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