Modern Annual Report Business Book Cover Template Design
ID: 19825
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Modern Annual Report Business Book Cover Template Design
This is a creative and modern book cover design template. The cover is designed with easy to use and well-organized. The template can be used for your personal and business use.
Template Features
◆ Well Organized.
◆ Easy to Edit.
◆ CMYK Color.
◆ 300 DPI Resolution.
◆ A4 (11.69” x 8.27”) Size Paper.
◆ Bleed 0.125 Inch.
◆ Illustrator AI & EPS Files.
◆ HELP File Included.
◆ Print Ready Format.
If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much. Thank you. Altro...
This is a creative and modern book cover design template. The cover is designed with easy to use and well-organized. The template can be used for your personal and business use.
Template Features
◆ Well Organized.
◆ Easy to Edit.
◆ CMYK Color.
◆ 300 DPI Resolution.
◆ A4 (11.69” x 8.27”) Size Paper.
◆ Bleed 0.125 Inch.
◆ Illustrator AI & EPS Files.
◆ HELP File Included.
◆ Print Ready Format.
If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much. Thank you. Altro...
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