Islamic Architecture Travel Spot Logo
ID: 24136
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Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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Logo can be mostly suitable for architectural beauty, arch model, arch builder, construction branding, resort business, corporate housing, world civilization.
Logo Features:
Logo Vector and accurate outline according to visible logo
100% clean editable and resizable vectors
Fully expanded shapes and closed (not open) comfortable less paths
Fully Editable logo colors, vector symbol, brand name, slogan
Logically Combined Colorful logo vectors
Aesthetic multiple (4) color variations
Proper vertical and horizontal versions
Free downloadable font
100% ready for comfortable press print
Zip File Formats:
Ai illustrator CC
Eps illustrator CC
Read me .txt file linked with the free downloadable font
Preview demonstration is not included in the main zip file.
It’s only for the presentation purpose.
Unzip your desired file.
Open Read me.txt file and download/install font from the link given.
Thank you for your recommendation. Altro...
Logo Features:
Logo Vector and accurate outline according to visible logo
100% clean editable and resizable vectors
Fully expanded shapes and closed (not open) comfortable less paths
Fully Editable logo colors, vector symbol, brand name, slogan
Logically Combined Colorful logo vectors
Aesthetic multiple (4) color variations
Proper vertical and horizontal versions
Free downloadable font
100% ready for comfortable press print
Zip File Formats:
Ai illustrator CC
Eps illustrator CC
Read me .txt file linked with the free downloadable font
Preview demonstration is not included in the main zip file.
It’s only for the presentation purpose.
Unzip your desired file.
Open Read me.txt file and download/install font from the link given.
Thank you for your recommendation. Altro...
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