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Greek-Aztec Fantasy Culture Glittering Gold Adorned People in Epic Cinematic Scene - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 41701
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This image depicts a breathtaking scene of a fantasy culture inspired by Greek and Aztec designs. The people in the image have gold flecks of glitter on their bodies, showcasing their slim, athletic figures, particularly focusing on a woman's well-defined abs and stomach. The image is shot with a 55 mm lens, resulting in exquisite detail and a sharp-focus. The long exposure time of the photograph, combined with the use of post-production techniques such as depth of field and cinematic color grading, creates a captivating and cinematic effect. Additionally, the image incorporates elements of realism through realistic lighting, lens flare, and inscriptions, resulting in a hyper-realistic look. The image is incredibly detailed, with a resolution of 8k, and uses various advanced techniques such as cinematic lighting, global illumination, ray tracing reflections, and diffraction grading to create an elegant and visually stunning composition. Overall, this image is a masterful example of hypermaximalist and realistic photography with a touch of fantasy. Altro...
Categorie: Persone

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