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Glowing Aztec Pyramid Ancient and Futuristic Merge in Snowy Jungle Photo - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale gratuita

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 48805
4.0 di 5(1)
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This image is taken from an elevated perspective and shows a massive Aztec pyramid made out of a blend of stone and futuristic electronics. The pyramid emits a soft glow, contrasting against the snowy jungle surroundings. In the foreground, a man stands on a stone on the side of a mountain, looking away from the pyramid. The image has been captured with a Fujifilm Superia 400 analog color filter, giving it a vibrant and realistic appearance. The image has a 4:5 aspect ratio, a visibility rating of 5.2, a shutter speed of 250, and its style is raw, ensuring it retains its original characteristics and authenticity. Altro...

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