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Exotic Bird-inspired Rib Appetizer on Antique Wooden Table - Vibrant and Lively - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 42112
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The image description is as follows: This image depicts a two-rib appetizer placed on an antique wooden table. The table is adorned with exotic bird-themed artwork, similar to the style of Anatoly Metlan and Dariusz Zawadzki, offering a bird's-eye view perspective. The appetizer is showcased on a vibrant and lively glazed earthenware plate, and the overall composition won a contest with the theme AR 128:49. Note: Some parameters in the prompt such as the artists' links and contest details have been excluded from the description as they are not related to the visual aspects of the image. Altro...

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