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Ethereal Grace A Vibrant Snapshot of a Mid-Air Hummingbird in Natural Light - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 49429
5.0 di 5(1)
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In this captivating image, a hummingbird is captured frozen in time, its delicate body suspended in mid-air. Its iridescent wings rapidly flutter, creating a soft blur that contrasts with the bird's stillness. The bird's dainty beak is poised towards a nearby nectar-rich flower, while its bright eyes reflect the surrounding environment. With a background of soft bokeh or muted colors, the focus remains solely on the enchanting hummingbird. Natural light illuminates the bird, showcasing the shimmer and diverse colors of its plumage, encapsulating the fleeting beauty of nature's wonders. The image has a cinematic aspect ratio of 16:9 and is presented in a Discovery Channel style, resembling 35mm film. The image description also mentions an aspect ratio of 5.2 and a duration of 250 seconds, but these parameters are not applicable to a still image. Altro...

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