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Enigmatic Characters Woman and Lion in Purple and Pink - Realistic Mythological Portrait - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 45337
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This image is a realistic portrait of a woman standing next to a lion. The background is full of vibrant shades of purple and pink, adding a mystical touch to the scene. The artist has used a light amber and azure color palette, giving the image a realistic feel. The woman and the lion are carefully detailed, showcasing the artist's skill in creating enigmatic characters. The painting style is reminiscent of a speedpainting, capturing the essence of the subjects swiftly. Overall, this image combines mythological realism with a rich and captivating color scheme. It is formatted in a 2:1 aspect ratio, and the resolution is set at 250 pixels with a visual quality of 5.2. Altro...
Categorie: AnimaliPersone

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