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Cyberpunk-themed African Light Skin Frog Woman Ultra-Realistic Art Nouveau Portrait - Immagine generata dall'intelligenza artificiale

Dal 18 luglio 2004
ID: 45926
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Image description: This is a highly detailed, full-body portrait of a beautiful African woman with light skin, depicted in a cyberpunk theme. The artwork, created by renowned artists Brian Froud, Patrick Woodroffe, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, and Frank Frazetta, showcases an emotive and realistic portrayal of the woman. The image combines elements of art nouveau, Celtic, and tribal styles, with warm natural-lighting and subtle back-lighting. It is presented in full HD resolution, with HDR, DTM, and XDR mods, offering enhanced clarity and vibrancy. The image has a resolution of 8k and is formatted in a 9:16 aspect ratio, suitable for viewing on various devices. Altro...

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